domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017

Back to Writing?

It's pretty amazing for me to look back on this blog and realise I haven't posted anything for nearly 3 years. And it's funny that the last post mainly mentions my first ever analog lenses, because I've done so much ever since with them - well, the Helios at least, the other one was quickly replaced by a better Miranda - and I've had my filmmaker career so far pretty much built around that, it's just overwhelming and quite curious to say the least.

2016 in particular, however, was a year of deeply mind-changing experiences for me, and I've had a longing to get back to writing ever since. Not necessarily write on this blog (which I honestly had somewhat forgotten about), but just writing. It truly soothes the soul. Well, to me at least.

I'm probably the only person who reads this blog, like I've said before, so I'll just use this to check in on myself every few years or so.

Thus, my "feature accomplishments" since my last post, heh:

December 2014 finally saw the release of my band's debut album, which I'm very proud of :^) 

In July 2015, I released the soundtrack album for Pokémon Universe, a Pokémon fangame for which I was composing the music (d'oh) and also doing some occasional map design. The game ended up being cancelled, so I took the opportunity to release what was done in a neat packaging. The full thing can be downloaded for free on my Bandcamp.

And, finally, most of my time was spent balancing between college and videoish-ing. Most of my work can be found on my Vimeo.

And that's sort of the bulk of what I did these last three years, in terms of productive relevant stuff at least.

I'll attempt to get back to writing things soon :^)